"It's about the experience.." - Tony
Born in Miami, Florida, Tony Perez is a Colombian/Cuban American living in Weatherford, Texas. He is a father to three, and husband to one.
He's a Marine Corps veteran, having done two tours in Iraq between 2002-2005 with a total in-country time of a year and a half.
He's committed the past 20 years to navigating various technology industries, investing heavily in Information Security (InfoSec). Today, Tony is one of the Founders at CleanBrowsing, NOC.org, and Trunc. He holds an undergraduate degree (BS) in Technology Management from the American Military University, and his graduate degree in Business Administration (MBA), emphasis in Technology Management from Capella University.
Formerly, he was an executive at GoDaddy, serving as General Manager (GM) for the Security Product Group ($300M + ARR business line), Co-Founder and CEO at Sucuri, and Founder and former COO at CubicTwo.
His extra curricular activities include horsemanship, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) (brown belt), weapon fighting, snowboarding, rock crawling, off-roading and CrossFit.

Past projects include...

Professional Background
"With enough brute force you can achieve anything..."
The Corps
December 13, 2000, the day I found myself standing on those magnificent yellow footsteps on Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island. Those foot prints that would forever change my perspective on life and build the foundation from which I would become a man.
Two deployments to Iraq - Attached to the Marine Expeditionary Brigade in November 2002 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), then attached to the Marine Expeditionary Brigade again, pushing across the Line of Departure (LOD) March 19th, 2003 as we invaded Iraq. Stayed in country through the completion of the first offensive in July.
Returned home July 2003, attached to the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit Special Operations Capable (MEU SOC)on the USS Belleau Wood (LHA-3). I always call this the MEU that would never be, because unlike traditional MEU's we were deployed back in country where we would assume control of Karbala, An Najaf and Al Qadisiyah provinces in July 2004. We would go on to have one of the longest on land deployments for a MEU at the time, over 7 months.
Much to my surprise, I would leave the beloved Corps on December 13th, 2005. I did shift to the reserves between my EAS and 2007, but would leave that as well.
The Defense Contractor
Between 2006 and 2011 I spent my professional career as a Defense contractor providing Subject Matter Expertise (SME) in geospatial technologies to the Departments of the Army, Marine Corps, and Navy.
I held roles as analyst, technical architect, project and program manager all in the design and implementation of enterprise systems for range management and sustainment around the world. In 2011, I found myself in Afghanistan as the lead SME in the development and deployment of an enterprise GIS capital asset system for the Afghan Ministry of Defense and Interior.
The Founder
March 2011, while in Afghanistan, I was asked to join the Sucuri founding team. Just three guys curious about a project, with no real aspirations of anything larger than working on a fun project and making a little extra cash. January 2012 we decided it was time to go full-time with Sucuri. I was appointed the role of Chief Operating Officer (COO) from 2011-2014, where I was responsible for building the foundation of the business, including scaling all operational elements (i.e., support, finance, administration, etc.). The question and focus was always, how do we provide a quality service that makes a difference, in a way that is sustainable and repeatable, as well as scalable.
On June of 2014, I was appointed the role of CEO by the board with a renewed focus on the company's strategy and direction in collaboration with my friend and business partner - Daniel Cid (Sucuri Founder and OSSEC Founder). The question evolved to, what problem are we solving? what value are we offering?
An Exit Arrives
April 4th, 2017 Daniel and I signed a deal to sell Sucuri to GoDaddy. I was appointed the Sucuri GM at the acquisition, a sub group under the larger Security Product Group. In October 2017, I was appointed the General Manager (GM) response for the entire Security Product Group.
Exploring New Ideas
In the fall of 2016 Daniel and I began to share our frustrations with the options available to secure our home networks. Over the next two years he would begin playing with the idea and building what would become known as CleanBrowsing (established June 2018).
In 2020, after our departure from GoDaddy, it became apparent that we were in dire need of the same tools we had built at Sucuri. Afraid that our non-paying accounts would at some point be disabled, we set out to tackle the same problem we'd worked on for the prior decade. NOC.org was born (established 2020) with a global pandemic as the backdrop, and a personal need for a solution for all our personal projects.
In 2022 we released a new project, Trunc. While third in line, the initial foundation for Trunc started long before CleanBrowsing. It was create originally as a means to fork Daniel's original project - OSSEC, but time and focus never let that materialize. Fast-forward a few years and we found ourselves in a world that needed a simpler, more affordable, solution to manage our logs. Trunc was released to focus on that problem - collecting, storing and analyzing logs at scale.
Have Spoken At and Been Interviewed By A Few Notable Brands Over the Years

Military Experience
"Move, or die, those are your options.."
I am a former United States Marine, having spent 5 years in active service between 2000-2005, and one year as a reservist 2006 - 2007.
Spent a good amount of time in training and deployments. Most notably attached to the 1st Marine Expeditionary Brigades (MEB) in Kuwait in 2012, pushing across the Line of Departure (LOD) March 19, 2013 with the 1st MEB again, and later being assigned to the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU).
Left the Marine Corps under Honorable conditions at the rank of E5 (Sergeant).

Academic Background
"A degree, or two, for my mom.."
I had the honor of attending one of the more academically accredited public high schools in Miami, courtesy of my mom's tenacity, MAST Academcy. Graduating in 2000.
I earned my Undergraduate degree in Technology Management from the American Military University (AMU)/American Public University System (APUS) in 2010. I later earned my Masters in Business Administration (MBA), emphasis in Technology Management from Capella University in 2020.

Personal Background
"Like whiskey, an acquired taste..."
I am husband to one, and father to three. Over the years my hobbies have grown, and grown.
I am passionate about Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ), currently a brown belt under the Carlson Gracie lineage. I really enjoy snowboarding, the faster and harder the better. When possible, I enjoy weapons training; I've dabbled in martial arts weapons and guns (handguns and rifles). I have also picked up new passions in off-roading, rock crawling and off-road racing. In 2019 I established DDOS Racing team to capture my racing adventures, but dissolved that in 2020 because of the pandemic. In 2021 I picked up a new hobby in CrossFit.
Complacency scares me, but maybe that is my ADD kicking in. I don't believe in a world where you wait for someone to do something for you. Instead, I prefer a world where you do something for yourself before expecting others to do it for you.
I'm an acquired taste, both personally and professionally. I have a strong work ethic, but a socially awkward personality. I've never been one to mince words. I'm highly opinionated, and passionate, and have no issues sharing those opinions - often while wearing my emotions on my sleeve. I'm confident — which for some might be perceived as arrogant. I am extremely focused, and am known for my style of execution - different, but effective.
I'm a big joker at heart.