What is HTTPS?

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a derivative of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). This “protocol” is used to transfer data on the web. It’s a critical piece of how the web works to communicate between a browser and a web server. If you’d like a more in depth break down of how the HTTPS…

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How to Improve Consumer Security with Online Applications

Improving our security should not be difficult, but it does have to be top of mind if you have an online presence. This article will touch on a few true and tested techniques every online consumer should lean into as it has global application across almost all modern systems you might interface with on a…

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California EDD Prepaid Debit Card SMISHING Scam

This morning I received a text message informing me that my California EDD Prepaid Debit Card was being suspended with a deposit of $6,390 until I verified my Bank of America credit card: If you don’t live in California, this screams scam; but if you live in California and work with the CA EDD this…

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A Practical Guide to Good Password Hygiene

On December 2nd, 2023, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) reported that an Iran-linked hacking group had been targeting US critical infrastructure, specifically US Water Facilities. Two harsh realities made this hack possible. First, system misconfigurations allowed systems to be publicly accessible via the internet vs. limiting its access to their intranet. Second, administrators used weak…

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