WordCamp US 2015: Navigating Today’s Website Threats!!

Recently I spoke at WordCamp US 2015 on the topic WordPress Security — Navigating Today’s Website Threats!! 

WordPress is one of the most recognized website CMS platform available in the market. Dominating over 25% of the websites on the web, and over 50% of the CMS-based websites, it’s no surprise that it’s the preferred technology by marketers, sales professionals, small and large business alike, and those intent on nefarious actions.

Security is not a singular event or action. It begins with good posture. Good posture is attained through appropriate risk management. Risk is appropriately managed through a layered defense model. The responsibility starts and stops with every website owner.

It’s popularity is often attributed to it’s flexibility, usability and of-course, community. With all the positive though, there is and continues to be an overarching security shadow that finds its way into every conversation. Fortunately, you can definitely achieve a secure deployment of WordPress or any other open-source CMS platform.

This presentation was defined to provide a current state of affairs when it comes to security within the WordPress ecosystem. Based on the latest trends and insights we’ve compiled at Sucuri.

Check out the video of my presentation:


  1. Jonathan Denwood on March 17, 2016 at 12:05 pm

    Hi Tony great post and presentation!

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