Installing WordPress via Terminal and Securing The Server
So what better way to kick off my security related posts than to summarize the steps I took to get this website up. Big thanks to Daniel Cid for all the guidance and hand holding.
This post will provide a cradle to grave review of the process I just went through in the past 48 hours. It will include everything from configuring the server, to installing and finally hardening. Its a bit lengthy so I’ve add a few short-cuts to help those that might be interested only in a few areas:
- Configuring Your Server
- Installing / Configuring WordPress
- Hardening The Environment
- Installing OSSEC HIDS
It is important to note though that this will all be done via the command line interface (CLI) (a.k.a. terminal). It’s not complicated or difficult, but does require some working knowledge in the terminal environment. If compared to most I would be classified as a noob when it comes to hands-on system administration in the terminal environment, so if I can do it you can too. Also, if you see any inefficiencies in my process please let me know.
So let’s get started!
Configure Your Server
First step was obviously to remote into my server via SSH (secure shell):
$ ssh -p [port number] user@[server address]
Let’s remember that the use of # and $ at the beginning of the command syntax through out this post are not part of the commands.
Once in, we need to install our LAMP stack. In case you’re wondering, LAMP is an acronym that refers to the bundling of free, open source software. It stands for Linux (operating system), Apache HTTP Server, MySQL (database software) and PHP (LAMP). This stack are the general components you require to build a basic web server. It’s important to understand that this will be a single-tiered environment, it does not include any more advanced configurations you’d need for n-tiered architectures.
Step 1. Install Apache HTTP Server
Using my distribution I was able to use yum to locate and install readily available installations.
To better understand the yum options you can run:
$ yum –help
I first need to run find the Apache installer I want so I run:
$ yum search http
From that I get a list of possible options:
httpd.i686 : Apache HTTP Server
httpd-devel.i686 : Development interfaces for the Apache HTTP server
httpd-manual.noarch : Documentation for the Apache HTTP server
httpd-tools.i686 : Tools for use with the Apache HTTP Server
and more…
Right off the bat I see the one I want httpd.i686, if you see the description it reads Apache HTTP Server. So now I run:
yum install httpd.i686
Just let it run and when it finishes it should read:
Step 2. Install MySQL
Following the same steps as above let’s get MySQL installed.
$ yum install mysql-server
Again, just let the installer run and when its done you’ll be greeted with:
You then want to configure it. Here you can run its secure installation by running:
$ run mysql_secure_installation
You’ll need to create a root password to the database so follow the prompts. By default, if a clean install it won’t have a password so just click enter to set it. It’ll ask you if you want to set your root password, from a security perspective the answer is obviously Y. Here are the rest of the questions and the answers you’ll want to give:
Set root password? Y
Remove anonymous users? Y
Disallow root login remote? Y
Remove test database and access to it?Y
Reload privilege tables now?Y
Once that is done you’ll get a success and you’ve securely installed your MySQL database instance.
Step 3. Install PHP
Following the same steps as above let’s get PHP installed.
$ yum install php-mysql.i686
Remember the search feature above. You might need it based on your OS distribution. I was specifically looking for the install that was described as:
php-mysql.i686 : A module for PHP applications that use MySQL databases
Step 4. Update Applications
What kind of InfoSec discussion would this be if we didn’t recommend you update all the installs to ensure you have the latest builds. Fortunately its very simple to do, simply run:
$ yum upgrade
Step 5. Start Your Engines
Awesome, everything is installed, with exception to WordPress but that’s ok, let’s get these bad boys started. Again in terminal:
To check the status of your Apache install:
$ /etc/init.d/httpd status
To start your Apache install:
$ /etc/init.d/httpd start
To check the status of your MySQL install:
$ /etc/init.d/mysqld status
To start your MySQL database:
$ /etc/init.d/mysqld start
Now, let’s test things went ok.
What you need to know is that now that Apache is installed your default web directory is here:
$ var/www/html/
We now want to create a basic index.html page and say hi to the world. Via terminal you can use one of the many available editors, I’ll stick with nano as I’m not that great with the others yet.
So to create a file I navigate to my web directory:
$ cd var/www/html/
Once in the directory I use nano to create the file:
$nano index.html
The editor will open and I type normally:
Hello World I love Malware!!!
Using control X I choose to exit, type y to save my changes. You should be able to test it by going to your site: and it should display on the browser:
Hello World I love Malware!!
If you made it here then you have successfully installed your LAMP stack. CONGRATS!!! But it’s not over yet, now we need to install WordPress and get that configured.
Install / Configure WordPress
So there are obviously a ton of guides out there on how to go about this and none is better than what you’ll find on the codex here:, so I’ll keep it short and sweet. A copule of key things you’ll to remember are:
- Don’t forget to create your database name
- Remember to modify your Apache files to accept directives in .HTACCESS
Step 1. Download WordPress
So keeping it simple, let’s navigate to your web directory:
$ cd var/www/html/
Once there we’re going to download the latest instance of WordPress:
$ wget
Then we want to unzip it:
tar -xzvf latest.tar.gz
Remember that it will extract into a directory called wordpress. We’re going to move all the content out of that wordpress directory and move its content into html. You can do this by running:
mv wordpress/* ../
Now you want to remove your index.html. You can do that by going back to the html directory and removing. You do so like this:
rm index.html
Type y if it asks you if you’re sure.
Step 2. Add your Database
Once you’ve downloaded and moved the files around take a minute to go back to your database and create your new database. Again via terminal:
$ mysql -u [username] -p
It will then prompt you for your password, that’s why you don’t add it in the syntax above.
You’ll see it change where you are now in mysql. You’ll then type:
mysql> create database [database name];
Just like that you have created the database you plan to use for your WordPress install.
Step 3. Configure WordPress
So now we need to make the WordPress install talk to the database. Again we go back to the codex for some guidance:
So from reading that I know there are a few areas that I’m going to need to modify.
First the area that specifically asks about my database information:
// ** MySQL settings – You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘[database name]’); // look above at Create Database step/** MySQL database username */
define(‘DB_USER’, ‘[username]’); // if a clean install and if you haven’t done anything else, then its likely root/** MySQL database password */
define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘[password]’); // Same one you created above when you installed the database/** MySQL hostname */
define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’); // works as its on a single tiered install, if distributed it’d be different/** Database Charset to use in creating database tables. */
define(‘DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8’);/** The Database Collate type. Don’t change this if in doubt. */
define(‘DB_COLLATE’, ”);
Second the area where I punch in my salts. We want to make sure that our application is securely transfering our connection information so we use Salts to encrypt that communication. The easiest way is to simply go to this online generator:
You’ll update the salts in this area:
* Authentication Unique Keys and Salts.
* Change these to different unique phrases!
* You can generate these using the {@link secret-key service}
* You can change these at any point in time to invalidate all existing cookies. This will force all users to have to log in again.
* @since 2.6.0
define(‘AUTH_KEY’, ‘[Salt]’);
define(‘LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘[Salt]’);
define(‘AUTH_SALT’, ‘[Salt]’);
define(‘LOGGED_IN_SALT’, ‘[Salt]’);
define(‘NONCE_SALT’, ‘Salt’);
Lastly you want to make sure you are creating a unique database prefix, you do so here in the wp-config file:
* WordPress Database Table prefix.
* You can have multiple installations in one database if you give each a unique
* prefix. Only numbers, letters, and underscores please!
$table_prefix = ‘[awesome prefix]’; // doesn’t have to extravagant, just unique
Step 4. Install WordPress
Now to the easy part.
To install simply navigate to your domain via the browser: It should detect that the wp-config file is created and greet you with the following:
Remember the following:
- Do not use admin or administrator – make it unique – as the username
- Use a good password generator with no less than 10 characters
Congratulations, if you’ve reached this point then you now have your website running. W00T!!
Friendly Reminder – Modify Apache Config to Allow .HTACCESS Directives
This is probably something that most will overlook. You want to be sure to navigate to the httpd.conf file and look for:
AllowOverride None
Change to:
AllowOverride All
The file should be in this directory:
It should be in the following:
# AllowOverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files.
# It can be “All”, “None”, or any combination of the keywords:
# Options FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
AllowOverride All
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Once that is done don’t forget to restart your server:
$ /etc/init.d/httpd start
Harden The Environment
If only we could leave the new website and server alone. Unfortunately its not that simple. So here we’re going to look at a few areas:
- WordPress
- Server firewall
I provide a good discussion on hardening tips here:
On this install I did the following:
- Sucuri Security plugin for my Web Application Firewall, File Auditing and Integrity Checking.
- HTACCESS permissions were set to 600 – allowing only the owner permissions to read and write
- Disabled directory listing
- Disabled theme / plugin editor
- Basic Access Authentication on Web Directory
To set the perms of .htaccess, I went back to my web directory and ran:
$ chmod 600 .htaccess
For directory listing I opened .htaccess and added:
Options -Indexes
And to disable the theme / plugin editor I added the following to the end of wp-config.php:
/** Disable plugin and theme editor */
Another thing I added that I don’t hear discussed too often is Basic Access Authentication. It’s too bad as its extremely simple. How it works is simple, it adds an additional layer of authentication to a directory on your web server. What I especially like is that it’s independent of the built in WordPress authentication and simple to implement. You can read more on how to implement here:
For me, the simplest approach was to run this via terminal:
htpasswd -c [path where you want to store the file]/[name of the password file] [user allowed access]
HTPASSWD is a built in password utility that comes with Apache.
Once that is created you want to place the directives in the .htaccess or the Apache httpd.conf file. It was easy enough to drop it in the .htaccess file, so that’s what I went with.
Drop this into your .htaccess file and put it into the wp-admin directory. Don’t do what I did and drop it in your web directory, it’ll block access to everything.. :)..
Here are the directives:
AuthType Basic
AuthName “Restricted Files”
AuthUserFile [path to the password file]
Require user [user allowed access]
Just like that you have added a second authentication mechanism that will force anyone trying to access your wp-admin to use a separate, independent, access point to log in. This does not do away with the need for them to log in via wp-admin also. Now you have made it even more difficult to exploit your log in page as the potential attack vector.
Server Firewall
So by default your Linux server should be running iptables so let’s take advantage of that and make it such that only IP’s that you want and know can access your server.
You can use iptables by using this command to filter your IP or domain:
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT –source [IP Address] -p tcp –dport 22 -j ACCEPT
You will also want to disable access from any port except 22, for SFTP and SSH:
$ /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp –dport 22 -j DROP
One thing to note is that you can use a domain in the place of IP’s if you follow the instructions outline in my post here:
The last thing you want to do is check to see what ports are accessible to the public:
$ netstat -tanep |grep LISTEN
You want to look through the various line items and validate that each port should be open. If it doesn’t belong open then you want to be sure to apply a rule to your firewall to close it:
$ /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp –dport [port number] -j DROP
If you’re configuring this server only for this install then all you really need to have open are the ports used for ssh and httpd.
To verify the drop rule applied you can check your iptables rules by running:
$ iptables -nL
If you applied the rules to block IP’s then you should see them in there.
Another useful tip is monitoring the performance of your machine. One very useful tip for that includes:
$ df -h
Another very useful tip is monitoring logs real-time, but let’s get real, who is that anal retentive? Ok, maybe some, and for you there is this:
$ tail -f /var/log/httpd/*log
Installing OSSEC HIDS
My opinions of OSSEC might be a bit bias as its founder is a close friend and colleague of mine, but that’s ok because it’s also a really awesome product.
It’s an open source host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS). It provides a powerful engine capable of providing the following key features:
- Log Analysis
- File Integrity Checking
- Centralized Policy Enforcement
- Rootkit Detection
- Real-time alerting and active response
The installation process is clearly defined here: What’s awesome is the installation is pretty straight forward, answer a couple simple questions and you’re off to the races.
My only recommendation is to make sure you have make installed:
$ yum install make
For my configuration I went with a server configuration versus their other options:
Another very good reference that walks you through the configuration once installed is here on the founders personal blog: It provides some tidbits of knowledge that not every one applies but that helps make it more effective at keeping you protected.
Any need to know tips regarding choosing an OS?
Assuming you don’t have to worry about whether to go with 32 bit or 64 bit, how much ram you need, etc etc…. but do any of the OSes give a better start for security or allow for installation of better security measures down the road?
Hey Jarret
Not really, I’d stick with a Linux distribution. In terms of which distro, really just depends on which one you are most comfortable with.
I’m running this one on Linode and the smallest configuration Linode 512 is more than sufficient. I especially like it because it’s quick to spin up and if more resources are required I can scale it up. You’re right on the specs, not too much to be worried about to kick things off. The biggest thing comes down to doing your diligence in the configuration. Using your firewall to block access and disable unnecessary ports. Also keeping all your apps up to date is a plus.
FYI, I’m using a CentOS distro here (from red hat).
Thanks, didn’t think that OS had very much to do with it but just wanted to make sure.
BTW, it’d be nice to have comment reply notifications. Didn’t get an email saying you replied and just now checked.
Tony, great article! This will definitely help people get started on running their own server with WordPress.
There are a few things you might want to add though, you didn’t expand on creating a new MySQL user, as using the Root MySQL user could leave MySQL wide open if the password was compromised.
For the firewall this is more of a personal preference I really am a big fan of APF( it allows for a lot more options rather than just allowing port X and Y to being open. It can subscribe to block lists that are updated quite often which is a nice extra layer of protection. Once again just personal preference on the firewall things.
Overall really a good read for people interested in learning how to setup their own machine, you laid it out in a way that is more inviting than a lot of the other tutorials on setting up a server. Good work!
Ohh yeah, thanks for the info about OSSEC HIDS, I am going to check that out.
Hey Shelby
Very good point on the user, I’ll have to update that to better reflect best practice.
No sweat on OSSEC.
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This is an excellent overview. Thanks!
Thanks Nick.
Jup, nice writeup… one thing that sprung out for me was for the wp-admin password protection section you’d want to add a bit more code to allow access to certain files without password prompt.
I usually recommend something like this:
AuthType Basic
AuthName “Restricted Access”
AuthUserFile “/xxxxxxxxx/passwd”
require valid-user
Allow from All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Satisfy any
And I have a few more tips in the WordPress Security Checklist you might want to take a look at too… e.g. hardening php.ini, blocking access to sensitive files and other stuff…
Sorry the code stuff got filtered, so there’s stuff missing :-)
Anyways, it’s in section in the guide…
thank you for the article. i just about passed your web site up in bing but now i’m glad i clicked the link and got to go through it. i’m definitely a lot more informed now.
This was very helpful. You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar!!
Cool, take care.
Great article. Quick question. I am using ubuntu server 12.10 and using SSH to access the server’s terminal. However, when I get to the part where you go to http://localhost/wordpress, I have to do that in a browser on my laptop and it doesn’t access my server that way. I would have to use the local address 192.168.1.etc/wordpress. But when I do that, it says that the install script wp-192-168-1-etc-config.php does not exist. Obviously because it was installed through SSH on the server as localhost. I have been researching high and low and banging my head and am about to give up. Any suggestions?
really nice article!