Monkey & Football?

So today was interesting, we had to replace one of our generators because it had been giving us a bunch of problems. The first thing that came to mind was a “monkey F’ing a football.” Well, while they were able to replace it the experience was a bit.. umm… interesting. Let’s just say they do…

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Office Politics

Office Politics

Office politics, that seems to be the theme these days. Never before have I been exposed to the interoffice and intercompany politics that I have been experiencing as of late. What’s most amusing is that it’s all levels, not just senior management, but the lowest levels as well. It is grossly overwhelming.

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Server Crashes and Automation Models

Frustration with Technology

Well the day started off like it does most morning’s out here. At 0530 this big oger of a Texan, notice that I don’t use the term man, bangs on my hatch and asks if I’m ready. Naturally I’m not, I’m barely opening my eyes actually and my dear Paco hasn’t even start fussing about…

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Crazy Times

I am ashamed that it has taken me over two months to get back on here and share some thoughts with my 0 followers. Well let me be the first to apologize. It’s been crazy times lately folks. As most of you know I left GIS, Inc. for what I perceived to be greener pastures.…

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I was recently introduced to drink known through the WordPress community as a FizzyPop. If you are like me, you’re probably wondering, “What the hell is a FizzyPop?” Well, don’t worry, you’re not the only one. What I’m quickly learning is that many bartenders are also wondering the same thing. Little do we and they…

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Jenny Craig – Update

I can’t believe it has been close to a month since I last pushed out a post. To my five subscribers, I’m sorry… I’ll have to break down the shenanigans over a series of posts; let’s focus right now on where I stand with my diet (cough), I mean my lifestyle change. I went in…

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