SQL: Delete all Rows with “foo” in the String

Let’s say you’re building something cool and you try to share this amazing thing with a friend. Then that friend decides to blow your DB up with useless entries. Because that is what friends do. In such a scenario, you might end up with something like this: select count(*) from table; +———-+ | count(*) |…

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Working with Merge Conflicts in Git

There are instances while working with a shared repo that your Pull Request will hit a conflict with the master repo and that will prevent your PR from being merged. The easiest way to resolve this is going to be via your terminal. Step 1 – Ensure you are working with the master repo (the…

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Signing an App using a CodeSign certificate with SignTool & Windows 10

I was recently working with a new Windows app we built at CleanBrowsing and our users were getting hit with security warnings post-installation. This warning was generated because the app was not signed. Ok, let’s get things signed. To sign I would need a code-sign certificate. I went through the process of getting an Extended Validation (EV) certificate from…

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Can’t Scroll in Windows Subsystem for Linux

I don’t know when it started, but at some point in 2021 I was not able to scroll inside my linux terminal on Windows. I really don’t care why it started, but I do know the fix. After banging my head on a wall, and living with it for a few months, I decided enough…

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Migrating to a New User on Mastodon

Over the past year I have become a bigger proponent for platform like Mastodon. With such adoption, some things are not always as clear as you might expect them to be. In this instance I wanted to change from one user to another. Example: user1@noc.social to user2@noc.social It is possible, but not as seamless as…

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Google Authenticator App fails to load after iOS 14.2 Update

The recent iOS 14.2 update is a critical security update. If you haven’t done so already, you should really update. If you do, be mindful that some apps might not load. For me, it was the Google Authenticator app. This was especially concerning because I use it for Two Factor Authentication (2FA) on a lot of…

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