WordPress Businesses Find a Home in Pressnomics


In March of this year, 2012, I remember first hearing about the event. It was publicly announced in one of the early renditions of WPLateNight. I remember thinking this sounds like something interesting. So much so that I took a minute to write my first impression and what I understood the event to be about.…

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Pressnomics: A Day at Gangplank

Gangplank Arizona

In Chandler, Arizona, a day early, in preparation of the first Pressnomics event. And event tailored for businesses in the WordPress ecosystem. Spending it at the local co-work facility, Gangplank. Can’t wait to bring something similar to my little city — Menifee, California.

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WordPress Business EcoSystem: Pressnomics


Tomorrow I will be boarding a plane headed, at a crisp 400 mph, to Phoenix, Arizona for the first WordPress conference tailored for the business ecosystem, Pressnomics. I remember when the announcement was first made earlier this year and my initial thoughts on what a conference like this would entail. Surprisingly, my thoughts haven’t really changed.…

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Kudos to WordPress.org: Community Summit 2012

WordCamp San Francisco 2012

After all the fuss I stirred up with the release of WordCamp San Francisco sponsorship packages a week ago, I felt compelled to take a minute to commend the WordPress leadership on today’s release of a Community Summit set for later this year, 2012. Of the entire post my biggest take away was this:

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WordCamp San Francisco 2012 Sponsorship: Kettle meet Pot

WordCamp San Francisco Sponsorship

Ok, this has me a bit perturbed. Today I get an email about the WCSF 2012 sponsorship packages and low and behold I am shocked, again, at the packages. Last year this happened, and not many folks said anything, this year I’m not sure I can go without saying something. Having been part of the…

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The Concept of a “Pressnomics” Conference

Concept Of Pressnomics

Today it was publicly released that there is a new conference for businesses that leverage the WordPress platform as part of their service offering or as part of the business architecture — Pressnomics. It took me a minute to sick back and really think about the conference and how it differs from what we know of today as a…

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