WordCamp Orange County 2012: WordPress Security Presentation

I was a great experience giving the WordPress Security presentation at WordCamp Orange County this year.

Big shout out to the organizers, Brandon Dove, Jeffrey Zinn and Robert Nienhaus.

Thanks to Daniel CidMark Jaquith, Andrew Nacin, and Dre Armeda for taking time to review and provide guidance.

For those interested, here are the slides from the presentation. Hope to get a copy of the video and will include that when they are published.

Word camp orange county 2012 enduser security

Here is the video I showed giving you better insight into how a data dictionary attack works.

Great work to the creator of the video, worth a view and takes less than 2.5 minutes.


  1. Ashley Menhennett on August 30, 2013 at 4:02 am