Fitting the Mold
As humans I think we like to over-complicate things by putting things in boxes that we can come to terms with. Boxes that we can appreciate or that might make sense. I fear that this type of thinking truly inhibits us from being transformative in the way we think and behave.
We not only define and create these boxes, these molds, we also strive to be in them.
You Don’t Fit the Mold
In a recent conversation, this statement was recently directed at me and I found it weighing on my mind. It was specific to being the CEO to the awesome company, Sucuri.
What exactly did they mean?
- What’s a CEO supposed to be?
- How should he look and behave?
- How should he talk?
- What experience should he have?
The list of questions goes on in my mind; I assure these are questions each of you will ask, and be asked during your start-up tenure. The intensity and frequency of the questions will also increase as you see more success.
Perhaps the fact that I don’t hold the appropriate Ivy league pedigree, or even the fact that I’m not a technical co-founder. Maybe it’s the lack of prior success, I’m no serial entrepreneur, in reality in the world of start-ups I’m frankly a nobody — some will attribute our success to dumb luck, not sound business.
Call it what you will, I am coming to realize that it’s ok not to have answers to these questions. More importantly it’s ok not to fit the mold, besides who defines a mold anyway? Before the mold, what existed? It had to start somewhere.
Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I fit the mold in anything. Maybe I have a predisposition for going against the grain in everything I do, not sure. Either way, I’d say it’s worked well for me so far, and has proven to work well for others — just look at some of the most innovative minds today — in business, technology, security, even BJJ.
Coming To Terms
It’s ok not the fit the mold. It’s ok to be different. It’s ok to channel your awkwardness, your uniqueness. Don’t fear your thoughts and own opinions, embrace them, often they are your competitive advantage.
If you find yourself wondering how you can be like others, maybe the better approach is to think how you can be more like yourself. The heck with everyone else’s opinions on what you should be like, be you.