JC – Diet Challenges
Well, I’m only the fourth day into the Jenny Craig program and I think I’m finally getting the hang of it. It has not been without it’s challenges though. Soda: Before the program, I was an adamant soda drinker – mainly Coke, Dr. Pepper and Fanta. Since I have started I have not touched it,…
Read MoreJenny Craig
It was about 1400, I was sitting there looking at the gal through the window as she prepared my meal and drink. Window slides open, she recites the order and hands me my stuff. I go through the motion of pulling out the McChicken sandwich and munch on it as I drive back to the…
Read MoreNew Year & Sprinklers!
Awesome, new year is greeting me with a busted sprinkler this fine afternoon! I am just too lucky! What makes it better is that the sprinkler line just so happens to be below the drainage line, so you know what that means right.. A whole lot of digging and messiness today.. or I’ll just wait…
Read MoreThe Trampoline!
The wife-unit decided that for Christmas we would buy the boys a trampoline. Well, as is often the case, I caved in and we did… Today after work I thought I would go out and spend some time with the boys and their new piece of gear..:)
Read MoreMenifee 24/7
I recently received a request on Facebook to like the Menifee 24/7 fan page. At first I was hesitant, but as I surfed their site I found it very informative. If you live in the Menifee area, I highly recommend you become a fan. Not just of their fan page on facebook, but also their…
Read MoreiPad & WP App
It has been a long time since I can remember being as excited as I have been the past two days for Christmas. I actually had to wake my boys up to go down and start opening presents. What ever happened to waking at 0400 and waking everyone up – sigh, another sign times are…
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