Understand the Problem To Build A Better Mousetrap
When I talk to organizations that are entering a new market I can quickly identify the ones that will succeed. I do so by looking for answers to two questions: Do they understand the problem space? Are they building a better mousetrap? Lacking appropriate visibility, that assessment often comes at a distance and fueled with…
Read MoreEstablish a Personal Brand
It’s only recently that I have grown a deeper appreciation for personal brands. Prior to 2010, the idea of establishing a personal brand was a foreign concept to me. In 2010 Dre Armeda came up with perezbox, and the rest is history. It’s perhaps the single most impactful thing I have done for my own…
Read MoreA Chapter Ends. A New One Begins.
This chapter in my life began March of 2011. I was invited to join the team by Dre and Daniel. Coincidently, it ended on the month that I officially hit 6 years with the company. The idea was never mine, it belongs to Daniel; it was his vision, his idea. It was something I found fascinating and…
Read MoreLessons Learned Playing With Pricing
When we first started, our pricing by all accounts was absurdly low. In my last post I chronicled the details of our pricing journey at Sucuri. Developers were finding that the cost was low enough that it was easier to send websites to us rather than invest their time, that could, at the time, run $40…
Read MoreAccounting for the Pricing Journey
You will undoubtedly undervalue your product or services, and your pricing will be wrong; this I am sure of. It will be echoed by every seasoned business person, professional coach, and everyone in between. You will start researching and googling how to raise your prices and you’ll find over 7 million results offering you advice. Your inability to make…
Read MoreThe Fallacy of Measuring Everything
We have all been in those talks. You know, the ones in which they are telling you to measure all things? Test everything!!! The one in which they share the secret to achieving a 300% growth! How it’s impossible to make a decision without data? How data will set you free? You know, the talks that…
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